Vine City is a neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. It is bounded:
The 0.304 square-mile are east of Sunset - i.e. Vine City prior to its expansion west to Lowery - has a population of 2,119 in 2000.[1] It is served by the Vine City and Ashby MARTA rail stations on the west (blue and green) line.
Starting around the year 2004, Vine City has recently become a location for urban renewal and investor interest, mainly focused on updating historic homes closer to Northside Drive. Much success can be contributed to neighborhood leaders such as respected Pastor the Reverend W.L. Cottrell of the Beulah Baptist Church and citywide community leader Byron Amos, who has committed time and again to making certain that the Vine City Community is an example for urban communities nationwide. The investment activity, however, has slowed due to the international housing crash and recession, but not before positive improvements had been made in the character of neighborhood. The proximity to downtown makes it a relatively popular mid-priced rental community, and a strong community presence means that it has transformed faster than English Avenue and Washington Park.
In March 2011, Neighborhood planning unit L, which covers English Avenue, voted in favor of a Sunset Avenue Historic District in Vine City.[2]